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Top 20 strong Benefits of Yoga | Important of Yoga | fitiland | Yoga is an old Method of Exercise | Boost Immunity | Improves lungs caposity | helps in Waight loss |

 Important of yoga

Yoga, is an old method of exercise, that has developed over thousands of years if Indian society and has been practicing ever since. Yoga, is practiced worldwide, now with a huge popularity. Especially in West ern countries. Yoga, is an old art in which body is connected with mind. It is a type of exercise thought which all elements of body are linkd with mind with the help of meditation, and relax. It is defined as the act of emptying the mind to have binteraction with enner self. Body and soul get connected through yoga. A balance between. Body and soul is possible through yoga. Yoga, is a Sanskrit, language words which means unian and discipline. It is a breathing exercises in which one learns to control movemant of different argans of body and cinnects body with soul. 

20 Benefits of Yoga

1.practicing yoga, develops physical, health, 

2. It develops mrntal health, 

3. It develops social health, 

4. It develops spiritual health, 

5. It help in over self realisation, etc. 

6. Removes taxins from the body and nagativ blocks from the mind

7. Increases concentration and focus

8. Yoga helps in reducing stress level and tention in the physical body

9. It helps in the attainment of perfect equipment and hurmony

10. It helps in waight loss 

11. It increas filexibility and muscle strength

12. It improve the function of the brain

13. Lowers the blood pressure

14. Improves lungs caposity

15. Make bones stronger

16. Lovers the risk of heart disease

17. Increases metabolism

18. Improve speep

19. Boost immunity

20. It help in the skin glow

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Yoga is one of the most beneficial body practises in the world. Which has a rich ancient history and trandition. It help to improve once life significantly by increasing body flexibility and muscle strength. Yoga is a life style for millions of people worldeide. It bring good health and a peaceful mind for thous who to yoga an a daily basis. It is highly beneficial to make yoga an essential part of your life and practice it dog by day


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